Tune in next Wednesday at 10 am to view The Southern Ohio Farm Show, a new program offered by the OSU Extension offices from Brown, Clermont, and Highland Counties.
The program will include a market update, weather forecast, and each episode will include a feature topic. The first episode will cover soil sampling procedures and testing.
The Southern Ohio Farm Show will be broadcasted through Zoom. Register for the program at https://go.osu.edu/thesouthernohiofarmshowregistration. Through Zoom, you will be able to view the program on your computer, smartphone, or listen to it on your phone with the call-in option. If you need the call-in option, contact the Clermont County Extension Office.
The program will also be aired on Facebook, YouTube, the Hillsboro local access channel, and the Greenfield local access channel (Spectrum channel 1021). For more information, contact the Clermont County Extension Office at 513-732-7070.