As the end of the 4-H year approaches, 4-H members and clubs are encouraged to submit achievement awards, honor club applications, officer books and pin orders.
Achievement Awards
A 4-H Achievement Award is an award that recognizes 4-H members, at least 8 years old and in 3rd grade to age 19, for his/her involvement in the Clermont County 4-H Program. Members earn points for their participation in 4-H club, county, district, state, national and international events and activities. Any application that does not provide the requested information or does not have all of the proper signatures will not be considered. Please submit only one application per person.
Honor Club
Honor club is the highest standard of excellence that a 4-H club can achieve in Clermont County. There are 14 requirements that are mandatory. Additionally, clubs must meet 14 of the 32 non-mandatory requirements. Clubs will be recognized on a county-wide banner during the Clermont County Fair. In addition to recognition at the fair, clubs will receive a gift for their achievement.
Pin Order Form
Member and volunteer pin order forms are also available. Funds from the Kathleen Retzler Memorial 4-H Endowment Fund will be used to cover the costs of all pins. Pin order forms are due to the Extension Office by Wednesday, October 11. To allow enough time for order shipment, no late orders will be accepted.
Officer Book and Club Scrapbook Competition
Club officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer, Safety Officer, Community Service Officer, Historian and Recreation Leader) are encouraged to submit officer books and club scrapbooks for judging.
Books will be judged on content, neatness, presentation/construction and creativity.
All forms are due to the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 11.