May 9 is the tag-in/Junior Fair registration date for the following animal projects:
Color picture, project registration form, and animal lease (only needed if horse is leased) due to Clermont Extension by May 9
Must be in exhibitor's possession by May 9. For breeding sheep, paperwork only is due. Market sheep must come to the fairgrounds for tag-in (By fair weigh-in, must be minimum weight of 90 pounds).
Must be in exhibitor's possession by May 9 for market wethers and meat breeding does and May 26 for pygmy and dairy. Market wethers and meat breeding does must come to the fairgrounds for tag-in on May 9. Pygmy and dairy paperwork only due at tag-in on June 13.
Must be in exhibitor's possession by tag-in. Animal does not have to come to fairgrounds; paperwork only is due at tag-in.
Breeding rabbits must be in exhibitor's possession by tag-in. Breeding rabbits can be registered at the Rabbit Fun Show held April 26 or at tag-in on May 9.
Meat Pen and Single Fryer rabbits must be no older than 70 days by weigh-in. Both can be registered at the Rabbit Fun Show held April 26 or at tag-in on May 9.
Doe and Litter can be registered at the Rabbit Fun Show held April 26 or at tag-in on May 9.
Small Animals:
Must be in exhibitor's possession by May 1. Paperwork only is due at tag-in.
Must be in exhibitor's possession by May 1. The vaccination/registration form is due to Clermont Extension by May 9.
Please note information and dates are subject to change. A calendar can be downloaded here. Please check your email, Facebook, Twitter and this website for updates!